Claim Your Mileage Tax Rebate Now!
Employees whose job duties require them to drive to temporary sites with their own vehicle can be eligible to claim a mileage tax refund from HM Revenue & Customs if their employer is not adequately compensating them for their trips.
Take advantage of our mileage tax rebate estimator to calculate how much you can receive.
This mileage calculator can provide a ballpark figure for the mileage tax refund you may be eligible for. However, a more accurate estimate of the exact amount can only be ascertained once you have filed a claim and we have factored in all the necessary elements.
HMRC'S business mileage rates for 2023?
The HMRC business mileage rates remain unchanged from the previous year, which is consistent with the unchanged status of the HMRC mileage rate over the past 12 years. For the tax year 2023/2024, the mileage rates are as follows:
- 45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles for business purposes.
- 25p per mile for each business mile after the initial 10,000 miles.
- 20p per mile specifically for cyclists.
Maximise your mileage tax refund: Claiming business-related trips in 2023
In 2023, you have the opportunity to claim a tax refund for the mileage incurred during various business or work-related trips. Some instances where you can seek reimbursement for your mileage include:
- Traveling to meet a client for work purposes.
- Commuting from your office to another work location to carry out a job.
- Journeying to attend a conference or similar professional event.
Required Documentation and Mileage Tax Rebate Calculation Explained
Gathering the necessary documents is the first step to initiate your mileage tax rebate claim. Ensure you have valid proof of identity, such as a passport or driving license, along with proof of address, such as a bank statement or utility bill. Eligibility for tax refunds extends to various mobile workers, including delivery drivers, gas engineers, mobile carers, security guards, professional athletes, and more. Our service allows eligible individuals to claim refunds for up to four years, with an average refund of £2,500 over this period.
To support your claim, you will need to provide certain documents, including payslips, P60 and P45 forms, a list of bases with corresponding dates, receipts for courses you attended and personally paid for, receipts for mess dress and formalwear, as well as travel expenses (with MOT certificates helping to support travel claims).
When it comes to the mileage tax rebate calculation, you can expect the following rates:
- 45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles traveled.
- 25p per mile for each mile beyond the initial 10,000.
For instance, if someone has traveled 11,000 miles to temporary work locations over a span of 12 months, they would be eligible for a mileage tax rebate of £950 from HMRC.

How far back can I claim?
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Just 30 seconds to find out whether you’re entitled to a mileage tax rebate claim.
Our Flat Rate tax rebate service is a no win no fee. If you don’t get any tax back, you don’t pay us anything. If you do receive a tax rebate, we charge the higher of our admin fee £40 (+VAT) or 40% of the rebate value (+VAT). If your repayment is less than £40 (+VAT), Vortex Accountants will keep the repayment as the chargeable fee and will not invoice you for anything further.